At present, there are 676 universities and 37204 colleges in the country as per data provided by the UGC. Accreditation is the only reliable source of quality of an institute. As per information provided by UGC, 274 Universities and 7070 Colleges have been accredited by the NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council). The UGC has also introduced the Colleges with Potential for Excellence (CPE) Scheme. As on date, 221 colleges are enjoying the CPE status under the Scheme whereas 10 colleges out of them have been awarded the status of ‘College of Excellence’.
At present, there are 184 Private Universities and 17803 private colleges in the country. UGC has reported that it has supported 20 private institutions, including private deemed to be universities, with an amount of Rs.5843.45 lakhs during 2011-12 and Rs.6548.39 lakhs during 2012-13. The information regarding mobilization of funds by these institutions is not maintained centrally.
As per All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2011-12 (provisional), 285 lakh students were enrolled in all higher educational institutions. As per AISHE report, 143.5 lakhs student were enrolled in private higher educational institutions during academic year 2011-12. As per the All India Survey on Higher Education 2011-12 (provisional) the percentage of enrolment (out of the total enrolment) of SC students is 12.2% and that of ST students is 4.5%.
This information was given by the Union Minister of HRD, Smt. Smriti Irani in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question.