Title: An Efficient Evaluation of Opinion Extraction and Summarization for Chinese Micro Blogs
Authors: Swapna Gangapuram & Bharath Kairamkonda
Institute: Siddhartha Institute of Technology & Sciences.
Micro blog messages posture serious difficulties for current slant examination procedures because of some inborn attributes, for example, as far as possible and casual composition style. In this paper, we concentrate the issue of separating conclusion focuses of Chinese micro blog messages. Such fine-grained word-level assignment has not been very much examined in micro blogs yet. We propose an unsupervised mark spread calculation to address the issue. The conclusion focuses of all messages in a point are on the whole separated in view of the supposition that comparable messages may concentrate on comparable assessment targets. Subjects in micro blogs are recognized by hash tags or utilizing grouping calculations. Test comes about on Chinese micro blogs demonstrate the adequacy of our system and calculations.
Keywords: Opinion extraction, Micro blogs, Evaluation, composition style.
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