Title: Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel Fuelled Diesel Engines.
Authors: Prof.R.Ramachandra & Prof.V.Pandurangadu
Organisation: S.K.D Engineering College, Gooty, Ananthapuramu.
Abstract: Rapid industrialisation and growth in population has resulted in the rapid increase in energy demand. Indiscriminate useof fossil fuels has led to extinction of petroleum sources. Pollutant emissions from diesel engines has caused major impacts in disturbing the ecological system. To overcome these problems, focus is towards alternative sources. Biodiesel, derived from vegetableoils, animal fats and algae is thef uture prospect. The paper reviews the research on impact of biodiesel on performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine. Higher viscosity is found as the major problem in useof vegetable oil directly in engine that is removed by converting it into biodiesel by transesterification reaction. Fuel properties like calorific value, flash point and cetane value of biodiesel and biodiesel—diesel blends were found comparable petroleum diesel. Performance results reveal that most of the biodiesel, give higher brake thermal efficiency and lower brake-specific fuel consumption. Emission results showed that in most cases, NOx is increased, and HC, CO, and PM emissions are decreased. B20 blend of biodiesel with diesel was found the best suitable blend for engine. Biodiesel is an appropriate inherent source for alternative fuel, with environmental benefits.
Keywords: Biodiesel, Transesterification, BSFC, BTE, Emission, Vegetable Oils.
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